Please find below the Events Calendar/Schedule for 2023.

Here are the events that we have planned for 2023. We hope that they will be of interest to you. It’s a pretty mixed bag as we think you will agree, but I am particularly pleased that Nigel Saunders has agreed to join us Live via Zoom from Canada in July.

DateActivity/WorkshopDisplay Table/Tree of the Month
5th JanMembers’ ForumProblem tree
2nd FebDavid CheshireMost recent addition
2nd MarAssisted workshop with Mark Skan and Jeremy HaddletonTool display
6th AprWorkshop with Bring and Buy/AuctionSpring colour
4th MayCorin TomlinsonJuniper
1st JunWorkshopYour choice
6th JulNigel Saunders/Bonsai Zone/Canada/Zoom Tree from abroad (Canada)Any
3rd AugWorkshopAny native species
7th SepDavid CheshireShow winners
5th OctMalcolm HughesAutumn hue
2nd NovIan Homer/Walsall Bonsai SchoolFavourite pot
7th DecAGM/Quiz etcWinter image