Date  Activity Tree of the Month
 January 2  David Cheshire Winter Image
 February 6  Bonsai Question Time Any suspect tree
 March 5  Corin Tomlinson Junipers
 April 2  Workshop Your favourite pot
 May 7  Ramon Hamers Acers
 June 4  Workshop Flowering Trees
 July 2  Malcolm Hughes Show Winners
 August 6  To be advised Bonsai Artefacts
 September 3  David Cheshire Your favourite tree
 October 1  Workshop Autumn Colours
 November 5  Andy Tromans Pines
 December 3  AGM and Social Bring and Buy Anything you choose

Sadly, due to unforeseen, extenuating and mitigating circumstances such as the UK Government’s imposed National Lockdown and a number of various Restrictions triggered by Coronavirus/Covid-19, much of the Society’s Planned Events Calendar/Schedule for the year has had to be postponed.

On behalf of the Midland Bonsai Society, we would just like to take this opportunity to thank all Members and Non-Members for their continued love, appreciation and support and patience during these exceptionally difficult and challenging times.

We have EVERY intention of keeping our shared hobby and interest very much alive for the foreseeable future to come.